  • 2013-09-27 (xsd:date)
  • Obama Declares November National Muslim Appreciation Month (en)
  • On 27 September 2013, the National Report published an article reporing that President Obama had proclaimed November 2013 to be National Muslim Appreciation Month, a time to celebrate the Muslim community in the United States: By the following day links and excerpts referencing this article were being circulated via social media, with many of those who encountered the item mistaking it for a genuine news article. However, the article was just another piece of fabricated clickbait from the National Report, a fake news web site that publishes outrageous fictional stories such as IRS Plans to Target Leprechauns Next, Boy Scouts Announce Boobs Merit Badge, and New CDC Study Indicates Pets of Gay Couples Worse at Sports, Better at Fashion Than Pets of Straight Couples. The National Report disclaimer page notes that all of the articles are fiction: In February 2014, new life was breathed into this satirical concept when the Conservative Frontline web site lifted sections of the original National Report article and spun them into a (similarly fictional) report positing that President Obama had announced plans for the first ever federally funded Muslim outreach program targeted at American schoolchildren: The phone number given at the end of the National Report article for contacting the 24-hour National Muslim Appreciation Hotline actually belongs to the notorious Westboro Baptist Church. The phone number listed in the Conservative Frontline piece for the Nationwide Muslim Youth Outreach Hotline is in fact the phone number for the Republican National Committee. (en)