  • 2021-01-06 (xsd:date)
  • Was a Noose Hung Across from the US Capitol? (en)
  • On Jan. 6, 2021, as a group of pro-Donald-Trump extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol in an apparent attempt to stop the certification of President-Elect Joe Biden's victory, a photograph started to circulate on social media from a make-shift gallows: This is a genuine photograph of a noose that was erected across from the U.S. Capitol. The photograph was taken by Andrew Caballero-Reynolds and is available via Getty Images with the following caption: This was not the only noose on display as pro-Trump extremists stormed the Capitol. Photographer Victor J. Blue captured another that showed a Trump supporter carrying a make-shift mannequin with a noose arounds its neck and the word traitor written across its chest. At least one other noose was displayed during the riot involving a camera cord. At one point, a group of rioters grabbed and destroyed camera equipment. Christal Hayes, a reporter who covers Congress for USA Today, shared a video of the incident: Paul McLeod, a Capitol Hill reporter for Buzzfeed News, posted a photograph shortly afterward that showed how one of the camera cables was twisted into a noose: (en)