  • 2017-02-13 (xsd:date)
  • Did Adolf Hitler Say the Nazism Could Have Been Stopped by 'Smashing the Nucleus' of the Movement? (en)
  • In January 2017, white nationalist Richard Spencer was punched in the face, igniting a debate about when it is acceptable to punch someone who espouses beliefs widely regarded as reprehensible (generally taking the form of the question, Is it ever acceptable to punch a Nazi?). In the ensuing discussion, the following popular quote, often attributed to Adolf Hitler, reappeared and recirculated: Daniel Guérin documented this quote in his 1939 book Fascism and Big Business, citing a speech Hitler delivered at the Nuremberg Congress on 3 September 1933. However, Guérin may have paraphrased Hitler's actual words, as the quote was presented alongside another utterance from a National Socialist leader, Joseph Goebbels, and not with the full text of the speech itself: A 1934 book containing Hitler's speeches, titled Die Reden Hitlers am Reichsparteitag 1933, includes a German-language version of the referenced speech. A translation of speech from the web site Zuriz confirms that the quote is largely accurate, although as typically presented it lacks some vital context: While Hitler did say that the rise of the Nazi party could have been stopped by smashing the nucleus on day one, he also noted that resistance from the opposition helped strengthen his movement. The abbreviated version of this quote was first popularized in 1978 when it appeared in David Edgar's play Destiny. (en)