On 10 November 2014, the web site TheNewsNerd published an article positing Los Angeles restaurant Pugon de Manila Eatery and Fine Dining was granted provisional permission to serve dog meat after its owners successfully argued a ban on that form of food violated their religious freedom: In January 2016, the Empire Herald plagiarized that article, simply changing to location from Los Angeles to New York: It's worth noting the idea of a dog meat ban is a bit misleading. Some states ban the consumption of pets, but laws about eating uncommon meats vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and most commonly fall under animal cruelty laws. And the image used to illustrate the News Nerd article was swiped from earlier New York Times coverage of a dog meat festival in China. Mainly, however, these reports are clearly hogwash because they both originated with fake news sites that fabricate clickbait news stories designed to gin up outrage at imaginary injustices. A disclaimer at the bottom of the News Nerd article notes that: The Empire Herald is an even lower-rent fake news site, carrying no disclaimer and generally stealing its material from other fake news sites.