  • 2019-02-26 (xsd:date)
  • No, these images do not show Indonesian identity cards issued to Chinese guest workers (en)
  • A Facebook post shares two photographs that it claims show that Indonesia's electronic ID cards have been issued to Chinese migrant workers. The photographs are actually an old stock image of ID cards and a picture of evidence in a fraud case; neither has any links to foreign workers. The post , which was published on Facebook on February 24, 2019 and has been shared scores of times, contains two photographs and text that translates as: E-KTP for foreign workers from China. E-KTP is a term for Indonesia's electronic ID cards. Below is a screenshot of the post: Screenshot of the misleading post. The presence of Chinese nationals working in Indonesia is sometimes used against president Joko Widodo by his political opponents. Here is a report in the Jakarta Post on this issue. A Google reverse image search found the photographs do not show ID cards that have been issued to Chinese workers. The first image is a stock photo from local media group It has been used as an illustration for multiple articles on Indonesia’s electronic ID cards, for example, this April 16, 2012 report and this December 8, 2018 story. Neither of the reports mentions Indonesia giving ID cards to Chinese workers. Screenshot of the article with the original photo. The second photo used in the misleading post was taken from this report by Indonesian state news agency Antara dated June 10, 2011. The report is headlined BRI: Online system reveals credit card fraudsters’ documents, referring to Indonesian state lender Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The photo’s translated caption reads: The evidence in an important document forgery case is shown at the Surabaya City Police headquarters, June 9. The Surabaya City Police’s criminal investigation unit has uncovered a syndicate that created fake documents used by alleged fake credit card applicants in Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The case has caused billions of rupiah in losses for BRI. Screenshot of the Antara article with the original photo. (en)