  • 2016-09-23 (xsd:date)
  • Obama and Trump Use Umbrellas (en)
  • In September 2016, a graphic featuring two images appeared: One showed President Barack Obama walking in the rain while an umbrella sheltered First Lady Michelle Obama, while the other showed Donald Trump using an umbrella to keep himself dry while a nearby woman walked in the rain: The above-displayed image was frequently attached to messages applauding Obama's gentlemanly behavior and criticizing Trump's selfish nature: These images, however, are not accurate portrayals of either man's moral character. As some pointed out, this image could also be used to make a pro-Trump statement, arguing that the pictures showed how Obama was ill-prepared for the rain, while Trump had the forethought to bring an umbrella. Regardless of how one interprets the images, it should be noted that the picture of Trump is one of many taken by the Tampa Bay Times on 7 September 2016. Other photographs show Trump and Florida Attorney-General Pam Bondi walking under the same umbrella: It's also inaccurate to assume that President Obama is anti-umbrella, as several photographs show him using one to keep himself and others dry: (en)