  • 2020-05-20 (xsd:date)
  • Yes, South Sudan first vice president Machar tested positive for Covid-19 (en)
  • Riek Machar Teny , first vice president of South Sudan, has tested positive for the Covid-19 coronavirus disease, claims an article on the blog Nile Spear TV . It says Angelina Teny, the country’s defence minister and Machar’s wife, has also tested positive, along with a number of his office staff and bodyguards. The article was posted on Facebook on 19 May 2020, and flagged as possibly false by the social network’s fact-checking system. But it’s correct. Covid-19 taskforce members also positive On 18 May Machar announced on TV that he and his wife had tested positive for Covid-19. The news was reported by major media outlets across the world. Machar had been the chairperson of South Sudan’s high-level taskforce on Covid-19, which was dissolved and replaced on 16 May. He announced that other members of the taskforce had also been found to have Covid-19, and a new team would be taking over their work. As Nile Spear TV correctly reported , Machar was tested on 27 April. At that time, he did not have Covid-19. He and other members of the taskforce were tested again on 13 May after one of them had been found to have the disease. According to Voice of America , Machar and his wife are the first senior government officials in South Sudan who tested positive for Covid-19 and have come out to speak about their test results. Angelina Teny said she anticipated a positive test result after losing her sense of smell – a symptom linked to the coronavirus – about eight days ago. As of 18 May, South Sudan had reported 282 confirmed cases of Covid-19, with four deaths. – Keegan Leech (en)