On 8 December 2016, fake news site Thug Life Videos published an article reporting that a Canadian man named Kenneth Gillespie had been hospitalized for penile frostbite after drunkenly attempting to have sexual relations with a snowman: On the surface, the tale of the sexy snowman appeared to be typical hoax news cooked up to garner social media traction. But iterations of a near-identical claim had been published several years earlier by Uproxx, The Frisky, and several radio blogs, all of which aren't generally considered fake news sites. Uproxx's 25 January 2013 item placed Kenneth Guillespie in Britain and made no mention of neighbors referencing Bill Cosby (who was not widely accused of sexual misconduct until October 2014, long after the snowman tale began trekking across the Internet): Most accounts cited a (since-deleted) page on a web site called Busted in Acadiana which was dated 21 January 2013 and featured a (once widely-circulated) photograph of what appeared to be news article evidencing the claim: That image led to the original source of the story, Sunday Sport, an outlet described by Wikipedia as somewhat akin to the Weekly World News as an unambiguous peddler of complete fabrications: