In February 2022, an image started circulating on social media that supposedly showed an eBay listing for a used Russian tank that had been seized by people in Ukraine: This doesn't appear to be a genuine eBay listing. For one, we weren't able to find any used Russian tanks currently being offered (or recently sold) on eBay. Second, the included picture does not show a Russian tank that was recently seized by Ukrainians. While this photograph does appear to show a Russian T-72 tank, this picture has been online since at least 2010. While this eBay listing isn't real, Ukrainians have truly taken possession of several Russian tanks that were abandoned during the country's attack on Ukraine. A number of videos have circulated online showing farming tractors towing these heavy pieces of military equipment down the street. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGrwSb2J_qoWhile we can't verify the specifics of this farmer stole tank video, Ukraine's National Agency for the Protection (NAPC) stated on its website that property acquired in battle is not the result of a transaction, but in connection with full-scale aggression from 24.02. 2022 of the Russian Federation regarding the independent and sovereign Ukrainian state as a continuation of the insidious attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine launched in 2014 and equated seized military gear to scrap of no claimable value. Any Ukrainians who truly came into possession of a tank or other military gear may want to check the NAPC's website for the official laws regarding such items. The NAPC summarized their stance in a statement via Interfax Ukraine: