On 26 October 2016, a web site called The Rightists published an article reporting that Vice President Joe Biden gave a speech blaming the pitiful U.S. economy on lazy American women: Tying his remarks to the 2016 presidential election, the article quotes Biden as saying, Hillary Clinton is the only one who can force American women to go to work. However, despite containing one or two sentences actually spoken by Biden (e.g., If we just put all the women back to work, if they were able to afford childcare, we would increase the GDP in America by close to eight tenths of one percent), the article was mostly fiction. It was an attempt to satirize a real speech Biden gave in support of the Clinton campaign on 25 October 2016 which included this pitch for reducing the cost of childcare: The Rightists web site describes itself as follows (grammatical errors are in the original): Courtesy of C-SPAN, here is a video of Biden's speech in its entirety: