  • 2016-12-13 (xsd:date)
  • The Pizzagate Survivor (it)
  • A video showing the testimony of a survivor of physical and sexual abuse was widely circulated on social media in December 2016, alongside claims that she was a survivor of Pizzagate: But, even from a bigger picture standpoint, this video is misleading, and does not show that children all over the world are being subjected to Satanic ritual abuse, in or out of a pizza parlor. This video was originally published in 1989, during an era where talk shows, the media, and the justice system were preoccupied — if not obsessed — with accusations of Satanic abuse. While the Satanic panic of the 1980s resulted in numerous accusations and criminal trials, no evidence was ever uncovered connecting child abuse to Satanic rituals: Conflating Pizzagate with the Satanic panic craze, however, does show one thing very clearly: it indicates that the two moral panics (despite being separated by three decades) are eerily similar — almost as if they were one and the same. (en)