  • 2007-09-17 (xsd:date)
  • A consistent supporter of gun rights (en)
  • According to the Second Amendment of the Constitution, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.Ron Paul has voted consistently to keep that right from being limited in any way. In fact, he has repeatedly introduced the Second Amendment Rights Protection Act that would repeal most federal gun laws.During his tenure in the House, various measures limiting gun ownership have been considered. Here is a sampling: In 1999, the Columbine massacre instigated gun-control legislation. Amendments to gun show background check legislation would have limited ownership. He voted against prohibiting violent juvenile offenders from ever owning a gun. He also opposed keeping semiautomatic assault weapons from the hands of juveniles. The background check legislation did not pass the House at that time, but new background-check legislation did pass by voice vote this summer in the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre. Ron Paul was the only lawmaker to speak in opposition, calling it flagrantly unconstitutional.In 2004, Paul voted to repeal the District of Columbia gun ban. The legislation passed the House but was not taken up in the Senate. Then in 2005, he voted to prevent D.C. from spending money to enforce one of its provisions. (en)