  • 2015-03-17 (xsd:date)
  • Congress Has Passed The American With No Abilities Act- Fiction! –... (en)
  • Congress Has Passed The American With No Abilities Act- Fiction! Congress Has Passed The American With No Abilities Act- Fiction! Summary of eRumor: This is a forwarded email that said Congress passed a bill called The American With No Abilities Act. Under this new bill, more than 25 million new mid-level positions will be created, all having very important sounding titles with little responsibility, which will provide the new workers with a sense of purpose and performance. The Truth: This is satire from the humorous website The Onion and it was originally written on June 24, 1998. Someone took the time to update this to appear more current by mentioning President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which resulted in this new version going viral on the World Wide Web shortly after January 1, 2013. The first clue that this was a hoax was that Nancy Pelosi has not been the House Speaker since the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and replaced her with John Boehner after the 2010 election. updated 01/09/13 Posted in Government , Humorous , Politics (en)