  • 2019-08-01 (xsd:date)
  • Did a Second Aide to Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan Admit Role in Doxing GOP? (en)
  • On Sept. 27, 2018, personal information such as home addresses of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, and Orrin Hatch were posted by an unknown person [to Wikipedia] ... during the hearing of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, according to a Fox News report. Later, after Kavanaugh’s successful confirmation, the personal information of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Rand Paul were briefly disclosed in a similar fashion. In April 2019, a former aide to New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan, Jackson Cosko, pleaded guilty to five felonies involving the collection and dissemination of personal data from government computers, as reported in Politico: On July 30, 2019, the colleague who provided Cosko with that office key, Samantha Davis, also pleaded guilty to two crimes related to Cosko’s actions. During a hearing, evidence revealed no indication that Davis was aware of the doxing part of the crime, Politico reported, but she did admit that she knowingly provided office keys to Cosko with the assumption or knowledge he would tamper with the computers: As a result of a deal with prosecutors, Davis pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of evidence tampering under D.C. law and one misdemeanor count of aiding computer hacking under federal law. As part of that plea deal, Davis admitted under oath to her role in Cosko’s crime, and as such we rank this claim true. (en)