  • 2022-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • Fake Sarah Palin quote about Easter came from satirical website (en)
  • With Sarah Palin attempting to mount a comeback into national politics with a run at a seat on the U.S. House of Representatives, a Facebook post has recirculated a fake quote from the former Alaska governor about her supposed views on Easter. The Aug. 21 post features an image of Palin alongside a quote attributed to her. It makes me so darn angry how the liberals in this country are secularizing Christian holidays right out of existence, the quote reads. When Jesus celebrated Easter with his disciples there were no Easter bunnies or egg hunts. A caption with the post reads meet (Marjorie) Taylor Greene's mentor. Although Palin has been outspoken in the past about her Christian faith and the secular culture surrounding holidays like Christmas , the quote featured in the Facebook post is a complete fabrication. This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) The quote originated on a now-defunct satirical website called The Daily Currant in an article published Oct. 23, 2013, and titled Sarah Palin Claims Jesus Celebrated Easter. The article detailed a fake interview Palin gave in which she talked about how all Christian holidays should return to the traditional version practiced by Jesus. Easter is a holiday observed by Christians in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ following his crucifixion. The Daily Currant ceased publication in 2016, and an archive of the website's about section from 2015 makes it clear it was a satirical publication and that its stories are purely fictional. The Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media, the section read. Our mission is to ridicule the timid ignorance which obstructs our progress, and promote intelligence — which presses forward. Our ruling A Facebook post shared a quote from Palin regarding Jesus celebrating Easter. Palin never said the quote and it came from a now-defunct satirical website meant to show her as being ill-informed of the holiday, since it’s a celebration of Jesus’s resurrection. We rate this Pants on Fire! (en)