On Dec. 8, 2022, we received reader inquiries that pointed to a headline from the Piss Daily website, which read, Twitter Employees Forced To 'Say The N-Word' To Keep Their Jobs. The article said that Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter led to a new and unusual policy: However, this story originated on PissDaily.com, a website that showed a disclaimer on its Legal page that said it published parody and satire. Also, the story said it was written by an author with the humorous name, Lord Waffle King: Piss Daily posted a link to the satirical story in a Facebook group that it manages named Schizophrenic Order of the Piss Dawn. The group showed more than 608,000 members. One of the most-liked user comments said, Sad part is people probably believe this shit, which referred to the fact that satire may be obvious to some people, but not obvious at all to others. Other satirical stories from PissDaily.com included Zuckerberg Offers 'Personal VR Handies' For Metaverse Users If They Please Just Use Metaverse, FACT CHECK: I Was NOT 'Drunk And Belligerent' At IHOP, That Waitress Was Being A Bitch, and New Fire Emblem Will Feature 'Incel' Mode With No Women Or Romance.