  • 2010-12-03 (xsd:date)
  • Does This Video Show Barack Obama Admitting He Was Not Born in Hawaii? (en)
  • A video clip of Barack Obama's supposedly uttering such confessional revelations as It's true, I'm not an American, I was not born in Hawaii, and I wasn't born in the United States of America hit the Internet at the end of 2010: This video should be effectively self-debunked simply through the implausibility of its concept and form: it's completely inconceivable that Barack Obama, who taught courses in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, could at any time in his political career have been unaware of the constitutional requirement that a U.S. president be a natural-born citizen; it's inconceivable that a sitting president could have publicly admitted to being ineligible to hold that office yet elicit no more response than the circulation of a YouTube clip; and it's as obvious as can be (in both the video and audio aspects) that the clip itself includes multiple jumps and edits. Nonetheless, the prolonged and continued circulation of this clip as real indicates that additional debunking is called for, so we note here that this clip originated with ObamaSnippetsDotCom, a self-identified humor site which regularly takes snippets from video clips of Barack Obama's speeches, press conferences, and other public appearances, editing and rearranging them to make it appear as if he said things which he did not. (Another example in the same vein from this site presents President Obama's purportedly acknowledging an intent to create health care reform death panels.) Moreover, the original version of this clip (entitled Birthers' Delight) is preceded by a text sequence clearly identifying it as a spoof: Finally, in the description of another (even more obviously edited) ObamaSnippetsDotCom video, which featured a faux announcement from President Obama that he would be quitting the presidency in 2012, the clip's creator exasperatingly acknowledged that too many people still weren't getting the joke: (en)