  • 2022-07-25 (xsd:date)
  • Are Amazon Emails About 'Prime Day Small Business' Sweepstakes a Scam or Legit? (en)
  • In July 2022, readers asked Snopes if Amazon was really sending customers emails about a sweepstakes titled Prime Day Small Business Promotion — or, whether messages detailing such a contest were a scam. After some research, we learned the emails were about a genuine promotion from the company. On a website run by Amazon that outlines selling guidelines, the company published the following details: We found two tweets that supposedly showed screenshots of emails about the promotion and those messages mentioned gift-card prizes. Several users replied to those tweets, saying they, too, have received similar emails from Amazon. By email, a spokesperson for Amazon's PR team confirmed that the email messages shown in these tweets were genuine and said that gift cards were a part of the Prime Day Small Business Promotion. They also told us that official correspondence for the sweepstakes will come from with the subject line, Congratulations - Claim Your Amazon Prime Day Sweepstakes Prize. In these email messages, a link to the Prize Claim Portal led to a page that asked to login to Amazon. According to information we received, this was legitimate. Further, a form may need to be completed with a name and some personal information, as required by law. Note: Outside of an official Amazon login or password-change page, the company will never ask for a password or other confidential information. (en)