  • 2022-09-12 (xsd:date)
  • Arrests of Anti-Monarchy Protesters – Truth or Fiction? (en)
  • Arrests of Anti-Monarchy Protesters Claim In September 2022, UK police arrested or cautioned protesters with anti-monarchy signs in the UK. Rating Mixed Like this fact check? Reporting On September 11 and 12 2022, popular tweets claimed that individuals protesting the monarchy at ongoing public events in the UK were (in some cases) being cautioned, detained, or arrested: The police were far more eager to arrest a woman with an abolish the monarchy sign than they ever were to arrest Prince Andrew for rape allegations. This country is so upside-down. — Council Estate Socialism (@RickyDHale) September 11, 2022 Across the United Kingdom, various public events occurred on September 11 and 12 2022. Generally, their purpose related to the death of Queen Elizabeth II , or public proclamations heralding a new King — specificallly, Charles III. One of the incidents unfolded in Scotland. British tabloid tweeted that a woman was arrested in Edinburgh for holding a sign: BREAKING: Woman arrested after holding 'abolish monarchy' sign in Edinburgh. Florida is where wokes go to die... Please enable JavaScript Florida is where wokes go to die — Metro (@MetroUK) September 11, 2022 In the tweet, the outlet indicated a woman was arrested after holding [an] ‘abolish monarchy’ sign in Edinburgh. However, the sign was clearly censored by the same outlet, and read fuck imperialism[,] abolish [the] monarchy. In a linked article , the site included the sign’s wording, and reported that the woman was arrested for a breach of the peace: A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh [on September 11 2022], before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city. She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from [September 12 2022] after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross. She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’ ... A police spokesman said a 22-year-old woman was arrested ‘in connection with a breach of the peace’. Other readers suggested that the framing was misleading, and ane commenter claiming to have been present said that others protesting were not arrested. Other accounts shared satirical views of the debate: I don't think that woman should have been removed by police for protesting in Edinburgh. I also don't think headlines should say Woman arrested after holding 'abolish monarchy' sign when the main message on the sign was Fuck imperialism. — Duncan Hothersall🌹 (@dhothersall) September 12, 2022 I was right next to this. Articles don't mention the other guys holding non sweary signs, booing and protesting for the whole event without any trouble. Her sign was upsetting people and you could feel tension rising. A scuffle could easily have broken out, dangerous in a crowd. — Heather Clark (@heatherjcla) September 12, 2022 BREAKING: North Korea condemns the anti-democratic actions of UK police after they arrest woman holding abolish the monarchy sign x — Laura Kuenssberg Translator (@BBCLauraKT) September 11, 2022 In another incident, a man holding a not my king sign was purportedly led away by police: 🔴An anti-Royal protestor holding a poster with the slogan ‘Not my king’ has been pictured being led away by police 👇 — Evening Standard (@standardnews) September 12, 2022 In a direct response to that tweet (and video without audio), the verified account @MetPoliceEvents said: A member of the public was asked to move away from the Carriage Gates outside the Palace of Westminster this morning [September 12 2022] in order to facilitate vehicle access and egress through the gates. They were not arrested and were not asked to leave the wider area. A third incident in Oxford on September 11 2022 involved a man named Symon Hill. Hill tweeted : I was arrested today in #Oxford after I voiced my opposition to the proclamation of #CharlesIII . Can we be arrested simply for expressing an opinion in public? I was arrested under the Police Bill passed earlier this year. This is an outrageous assault on democracy. #NotMyKing — Symon Hill (@SymonHill) September 11, 2022 When asked what specifically had happened, Hill said that the incident occurred during the reading of a proclamation: When the proclamation was read out, I called out Who elected him?. 2 or 3 people told me to shut up. I responded (with an opinion, not an insult). Security guards grabbed me. Police took me off them and arrested me. I’ll write a fuller account when I’m a bit calmer. #NotMyKing In a second response, Hill added that he was informed he might be charged: Aha! I was released but told I might be contacted for an interview and possibly charged (I refused to be interviewed straight away without a lawyer present). Hill also maintained that he did not disrupt any mourning, and once again objected to his interaction with police: Contrary to some claims on social media, I did not say *anything* remotely disrespectful today about Elizabeth's death. I did not disrupt an act of mourning (and never would). My objection was to the proclamation of Charles Windsor as king. #NotMyKing — Symon Hill (@SymonHill) September 11, 2022 Really taken aback by the level of interest in my arrest, but very glad that there's concern about undemocratic arrests and denial of free speech. This isn't about me; it's about democracy, and the freedoms we all should have. #NotMyKing #CharlesIII — Symon Hill (@SymonHill) September 12, 2022 On September 12 2022, a Twitter account claimed to have been intercepted by law enforcement for possession of a blank piece of paper (and cautioned not to write Not My King on it). In response to questions, he uploaded video of the interaction: — Paul Powlesland (@paulpowlesland) September 12, 2022 Around the same time, a UK-based journalist collated incidents involving protesters: Police action against anti-monarchy protests so far: – 'breach of peace' charge in Edinburgh – separate 'breach of peace' arrest Edinburgh – Public Order Act arrest Oxford – barrister spoken to in London – protester moved for security reasons outside parly — Lizzie Dearden (@lizziedearden) September 12, 2022 At least two Members of Parliament addressed the interactions: I'm deeply concerned by reports that people are being arrested for expressing their views in support of a Republic. In a democracy, people must always have the right to peacefully express their opinions. I will be seeking to raise this in Parliament when it resumes next week. — Richard Burgon MP (@RichardBurgon) September 12, 2022 No-one should be arrested for just expressing republican views. Extraordinary – and shocking – that this needs saying. — Zarah Sultana MP (@zarahsultana) September 12, 2022 The Oxford Mail reported that Thames Valley Police had corroborated the incident involving Symon Hill and confirmed that they continued to investigate a public order offense: I feel very surprised and very shaken and I feel like my free-speech and my dignity as a person have been attacked simply because I expressed an opinion. [Hill] said there was confusion about the law under which he had been arrested. He believed he had been detained under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act this summer. However, a Thames Valley Police spokeswoman said that a 45-year-old man had been arrested on suspicion of committing an offence under section five of the Public Order Act, which prohibits ‘disorderly behaviour’. He has subsequently been de-arrested and is engaging with us voluntarily as we investigate a public order offence, she added. On September 11 and 12 2022, reports of conflicts between anti-monarchy protesters (republicans) and law enforcement circulated on social media. Police in Oxford confirmed one of the incidents, while a Metropolitan Police account denied that a man was arrested or detained outside the Palace of Westminster (claiming that he was simply asked to move in order to facilitate vehicle access and egress through the gates.) A woman arrested in Scotland held a sign with profanity on it, a factor possibly influencing the decision to arrest her. Article Sources + The police were far more eager to arrest a woman with an abolish the monarchy sign than they ever were to arrest Prince Andrew for rape allegations. This country is so upside-down. | Twitter BREAKING: Woman arrested after holding 'abolish monarchy' sign in Edinburgh. | Twitter Woman arrested after holding ‘abolish monarchy’ sign in Edinburgh I don't think that woman should have been removed by police for protesting in Edinburgh. I also don't think headlines should say Woman arrested after holding 'abolish monarchy' sign when the main message on the sign was Fuck imperialism. | Twitter I was right next to this. Articles don't mention the other guys holding non sweary signs, booing and protesting for the whole event without any trouble. Her sign was upsetting people and you could feel tension rising. A scuffle could easily have broken out, dangerous in a crowd. | Twitter BREAKING: North Korea condemns the anti-democratic actions of UK police after they arrest woman holding abolish the monarchy sign x | Twitter 🔴An anti-Royal protestor holding a poster with the slogan ‘Not my king’ has been pictured being led away by police 👇 | Twitter A member of the public was asked to move away from the Carriage Gates outside the Palace of Westminster this morning in order to facilitate vehicle access and egress through the gates. They were not arrested and were not asked to leave the wider area. | Twitter I was arrested today in #Oxford after I voiced my opposition to the proclamation of #CharlesIII. Can we be arrested simply for expressing an opinion in public? I was arrested under the Police Bill passed earlier this year. This is an outrageous assault on democracy. #NotMyKing | Twitter When the proclamation was read out, I called out Who elected him?. 2 or 3 people told me to shut up. I responded (with an opinion, not an insult). Security guards grabbed me. Police took me off them and arrested me. I'll write a fuller account when I'm a bit calmer. #NotMyKing | Twitter Contrary to some claims on social media, I did not say *anything* remotely disrespectful today about Elizabeth's death. I did not disrupt an act of mourning (and never would). My objection was to the proclamation of Charles Windsor as king. #NotMyKing | Twitter Really taken aback by the level of interest in my arrest, but very glad that there's concern about undemocratic arrests and denial of free speech. This isn't about me; it's about democracy, and the freedoms we all should have. #NotMyKing #CharlesIII | Twitter Just went to Parliament Square & held up a blank piece of paper. Officer came & asked for my details. He confirmed that if I wrote Not My King on it, he would arrest me under the Public Order Act because someone might be offended. | Twitter Just went to Parliament Square & held up a blank piece of paper. Officer came & asked for my details. He confirmed that if I wrote Not My King on it, he would arrest me under the Public Order Act because someone might be offended. | Twitter Police action against anti-monarchy protests so far: - 'breach of peace' charge in Edinburgh - separate 'breach of peace' arrest Edinburgh - Public Order Act arrest Oxford - barrister spoken to in London - protester moved for security reasons outside parly | Twitter I'm deeply concerned by reports that people are being arrested for expressing their views in support of a Republic. In a democracy, people must always have the right to peacefully express their opinions. I will be seeking to raise this in Parliament when it resumes next week. | Twitter No-one should be arrested for just expressing republican views. Extraordinary – and shocking – that this needs saying. | Twitter Anti-monarchist 'arrested for shouting' during Oxford proclamation Posted in Analysis , Government , News , News Media , Politics , Reporting , Social Media Tagged anti monarchy , anti monarchy arrests , king charles iii , monarchy protests , queen elizabeth ii , queen elizabeth ii death , queen elizabeth ii protests , viral tweets (en)