At the Democratic debate in Austin, Texas on Feb. 21, 2008, Sen. Barack Obama responded to criticism that he was little more than a good speaker by saying that he had broad support from voters and newspapers.He said he has received many endorsements, including every major newspaper here in the state of Texas.He's right. We checked and found he has been endorsed in the primary race against Sen. Hillary Clinton by the seven largest newspapers in Texas. Here are samples of what they said:Houston Chronicle:Obama vows to reach out to independents and Republicans with a message of inclusion and cooperation. He offers a historic opportunity to elevate national political dialogue to a higher ground. Those who insist on vitriol and obstructionism would be marginalized.Dallas Morning News:Americans are tired of divisive, hard-edged politics. Democrats would inspire a refreshingly new approach by choosing Mr. Obama as their 2008 candidate.Austin American-Statesman:His optimism, unifying vision and ability to inspire are the kind of healing balm the country needs at this moment in history.San Antonio Express-News:America needs a president that tries to create unity out of diversity, marshalling all the forces — red, blue or purple — that make this country great.Sen. Barack Obama is the Democratic candidate that offers the best chance to reach that lofty objective.Fort Worth Star-Telegram:Obama might be shorter on detail, but he is by far longer on inspirational spirit, charisma and an ability to energize previously unengaged Americans in the voting process, particularly the usually unengaged up-and-coming generations on whose shoulders America's future rests.Corpus Christi Caller-Times:The Editorial Board endorses Sen. Barack Obama because it believes that he offers the kind of inspirational leadership the country is hungry for.El Paso Times:A weary America, tired of the status quo, fed up with business as usual, is longing for a positive change — and Barack Obama is that change.