A photo has been shared tens of thousands of times in multiple Facebook and Twitter posts alongside a claim it shows an Indian actress wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with a slogan in support of Indian farmers. The posts were shared shortly after India's parliament passed several contentious farm bills. The claim is false; the image has been digitally manipulated to include a doctored slogan on the actress' T-shirt. The photo was published here on Facebook on September 25, 2020. It has been shared more than 8,000 times. (Screenshot of the misleading Facebook post taken on September 29, 2020.) The post’s Hindi-language caption translates to English as: Look carefully what is written on her t-shirt. I stand with Indian farmers. Deepika showing her position to the lapdog media. Deepika Padukone is an Indian actress. On September 20, 2020, the Indian Parliament passed several contentious farm bills despite fierce opposition. Critics say that once the bills become law, they will result in the end of assured minimum prices on goods, which will in turn marginalise small-scale, independent farmers while benefiting private conglomerates. Farmers across the country have taken to the streets in protest, AFP reported on September 25, 2020. The same photo was also shared here , here and here on Facebook, and here and here on Twitter, alongside a similar claim. The claim, however, is false; the image has been doctored to include the slogan on the T-shirt. A combined reverse image and keyword search on Google found the original photo published here by English-language newspaper, The Indian Express, on March 20, 2018. The photo is credited to The Indian Express photographer Varinder Chawla . Below is a screenshot comparison of the misleading post (L) and The Indian Express photo (R): The photo caption reads: Deepika Padukone was also seen coming out of the airport.