Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003] Hi,My name is Kellie Lawton and I am in the 2nd grade in Alma, KS. For my science fair project I am trying to see where, and how many people a single email can reach in 2 weeks. I will keep track of how many emails I get back and what cities, states, and countries they are coming from. I am hoping that you will be willing to help me with my project!There are only 2 simple steps that will help me to track this email:1. Please send me an email at: lawton@kansas.net . In the subject line of the email please type your city, state and country. You do not need to include your name, but you can if you want!2. Forward this email to everyone in your address book. I will be keeping track of the number of responses, as well as the locations. So, send to people even if they are in the same town as you. Myexperiment will end on March 22, 2003 so if you receive this email after that please ignore it. I am starting my project today, March 8, 2003 by sending it to 1 person — my grandma!Thank you VERY MUCH for your help!!Kellie :-)Origins: Yet another see how many e-mails I can collect school project cancelled before its scheduled ending date when the number of responses received overwhelmed the recipient's ability to process them. Mail sent to Kellie's address is bounced by her ISP with a failure notice stating: Yes her experiment was real,but it has ended prematurely due to overwhelming success