  • 2018-06-19 (xsd:date)
  • Did Henry Kissinger Say Donald Trump Is the 'One True Leader'? (en)
  • Dr. Henry Kissinger, the 95-year-old foreign policy expert who served as a national security adviser and secretary of state under two presidents, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, predicted after the 2016 election that Donald Trump could go down in history as a very considerable president. He made the remark during an interview on the CBS public affairs program Face the Nation, during which he also said, according to some sources: High praise indeed from the likes of Henry Kissinger -- too high, in the judgment of some our readers, in fact, who have been writing to us since this effusive passage first began making the rounds in late 2017 to question its authenticity. The Patriot Post, a right-leaning news and opinion web site, is typical of the sources purveying the quote. I haven’t always been Henry Kissinger’s biggest fan, the author of a 20 January 2018 article containing the quote writes, but I have to credit him with saying several things that seem to mean more when he says them than when I do. Except that it's plain from the author's citation of the supposed source of the quote (another conservative web site called Liberty One News) that most of the words weren't actually Kissinger's. Here's how the passage was presented in that source: Note that the sentences in question fell outside the quotes surrounding Kissinger's actual statements. In point of fact, they were written (or borrowed) by the author of the piece, not uttered by the former Secretary of State. To confirm this, we hunted down a transcript of Kissinger's 18 December 2016 appearance on Face the Nation. Although he does say, Donald Trump is a phenomenon that foreign countries haven't seen and could become a very considerable president, Kissinger doesn't say, They [Clinton supporters] will never admit that he is the one true leader, nor does he say, There is not a single thing wrong with him. Nor have we been able to find these words attributed to Kissinger in any other reliable source. Here is a video clip of the full Face the Nation interview: We researched a variant of this claim in 2020. (en)