  • 2015-02-19 (xsd:date)
  • EverPet Dog Food (no)
  • Example: [Collected via Facebook, February 2015] Please share!!! My friend ran out of her normal dog food and ran down to the Dollar General for a quick bag of food. She feed it to her sweet little Dachshund for 2 days. And has now passed away. Vet confirmed he passed away from this dog food. Please share so no one else has to lose their pet. Thank you! Origins: On 2 November 2014, the above-quoted message about EverPet brand pet food was posted on Facebook and subsequently shared hundreds of thousands of times. Although that particular warning came in late 2014, rumors about adverse pet reactions to EverPet brand cat and dog food (commonly sold at Dollar General stores) have circulated on the internet since at least as far back as 2010. It is not uncommon to find stories on social media attributing a pet's death to a particular brand of cat or dog food, as people who have experienced the untimely loss of a beloved animal companion attempt to spare other families the trauma they have endured. Similar warnings have circulated about brands such as Purina, with grieving owners similarly convinced the food their pet consumed was responsible for the animal's illness or death. In the absence of confirmation or denial from Dollar General, well-intentioned pet owners seized on anecdotal information about the brand on the web, but the owner of the dog referenced above later admitted that the pet's death had not been linked to EverPet: Well I don't have all my facts working on that now.. I am going to have this food tested and I'll post the results on my wall for everyone to see and reviews from 2010 said it had been recalled so I don't know how it found its way back on the shelves and thanks for sharing. I wouldn't want anyone to hurt like this!Unlike Purina, discount brand EverPet has no dedicated website or social media presence where they address such complaints. Consequently, rumors of recalls continue to circulate even though there has never been a recall of EverPet pet food. Representatives from Dollar General have replied to some of the rumors about EverPet food and stated unequivocally that the product is manufactured in the United States (not China), and that no recalls have been ordered for EverPet products. On 20 December 2013, Dollar General's Facebook page published the following response to a user who asked about EverPet rumors: Dollar General cares about its customers and their pets and stands behind the products we stock in our stores. If a customer is unsatisfied with an EverPet product, even if it is used, they will be eligible for a refund from the manufacturer. EverPet-branded dog and cat foods are manufactured in production facilities located in the United States and undergo thorough testing in an effort to ensure they meet or exceed all regulatory and industry standards for safety and quality. (en)