Deloitte Belgium, the Belgian subsidiary of the global corporate services conglomerate, claimed in its yearly press release of 2020 that the company was able to reduce its carbon emissions by a third over the last three years. This claim turns out to be uncheckable. Deloitte is globally settled in over 150 countries with Deloitte Central Europe covering 18 countries. On its website Deloitte states that it is set on achieving net-zero CO2-emissions. In a recent press release, the Belgian subsidiary says it is well on its way to achieve that goal as it has allegedly reduced its emissions by a third over the last three years. However, in that same press release, Deloitte adds the nuance that the change in behavior due to the global pandemic accounted for a part of that reduction as under a simulation of normal behavior" the reduction would only amount to 23%. The company also says the mileage has gone down by 17 percent in comparison to 2017. However