  • 2016-02-28 (xsd:date)
  • Was Donald Trump's Father Arrested at a KKK Rally? (en)
  • On 9 September 2015 the BoingBoing web site published an article that referenced an archived New York Times piece from 1927, one which reported that President Donald Trump's father, Fred Trump had been arrested in connection with a KKK event: BoingBoing included a copy of the New York Times article, with the source material available behind a paywall on the New York Times' web-based archive. That article reported a May 1927 free-for-all battle involving 100 policemen and 1,000 Klansmen in Jamaica, Queens: The elder Trump's name appeared once in the article, at the end of a portion headed Prisoners are Arraigned. Details about charges filed against other individuals were included, but Trump was simply said to have been discharged (with no further information about his overall involvement or lack thereof): As BoingBoing stated, the information available in the article made it difficult to figure out whether Trump's father was directly involved in the melee or was simply a bystander who coincidentally found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Other persons were charged with various infractions ranging from felonious assault to disorderly behavior, but Trump wasn't mentioned as having been cited for even minor criminal charges. According to BoingBoing, New York City no longer holds any information about arrests dating as far back as 1927, making it impossible to independently verify the original Times report. On 22 September 2015, the New York Times published an interview with Donald Trump, a transcript of which was prefaced with the following: That interview also included the following exchange on the subject of Fred Trump's arrest: The author of the piece wrote that Trump revisited the topic unprompted, interjecting to say that: While it's possible the elder Trump attended the event along with KKK supporters and Klansmen, it's also possible he was minding his own business in his own neighborhood and got swept up by police after unknowingly finding himself in the middle of an enormous brawl. (en)