  • 2016-06-12 (xsd:date)
  • Pat Robertson: Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment for SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling (en)
  • On 12 June 2016, the web site Newslo published an article reporting that Pat Robertson, the American media mogul and former Southern Baptist minister, had said that the recent mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub that left fifty people dead was God's punishment for the June 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision that guaranteed same-sex couples the right to marry: Pat Robertson said no such thing, however. Newslo is a site that mixes tiny bits of real news with heaping piles of fake news, leaving it to readers to click a Show Facts button to highlight which portion of a given article is actually true. In this case, only the initial paragraph (describing the Orlando shooting) of the report was real, and everything following it (relating to Pat Robertson) was false. Nonetheless, the UK's Mirror was duped into reporting Newslo's obviously satirical piece as straight news (and have since removed it from their site): (en)