  • 2018-09-24 (xsd:date)
  • Did Christine Blasey Ford Make a Sexual Assault Accusation Against Neil Gorsuch? (en)
  • On 16 September 2018, Christine Blasey Ford identified herself publicly as the woman who wrote a confidential letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein alleging that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in the 1980s when he was a student at Georgetown Prep. The news immediately inspired a series of inaccurate reporting aimed at attacking Blasey Ford’s credibility. One such allegation which briefly went viral, despite a wholesale lack of corroborating evidence, was the claim that Blasey Ford had written a similar confidential letter regarding president Trump’s previous Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch (who also attended Georgetown Prep), and that she had posted about her idea to do so on Facebook: This claim originated solely in two tweets (garnering over 8,000 retweets) from the Twitter account of Josh Cornett, who describes himself as proudly blocked by several journalists and/or political Twitter accounts. On 18 September 2018, in a series of two tweets, Cornett claimed that: One source that has decidedly not been accurate in the past is the Twitter account of Josh Cornett, which has at various times promoted the Pizzagate conspiracy theory (which alleged a Hillary Clinton-connected pedophile sex ring run out of the basement of a DC-area pizza shop which has no basement) as well as the the #QAnon conspiracy theory (which alleges that a secret group of patriots deep within the U.S. government are communicating to their followers through riddles posted on the message board 8chan or on websites that sell t-shirts). Cornett has also claimed that 99% of Liberal women (Kavanaugh accusers) are bitter, unattractive, Liars, and have a long history of being rejected by men, and that he was bored by the allegations of domestic abuse made against former Trump staffer Rob Porter by both of his former wives. As the New York Times reported, Cornett appears to have a history of amplifying right-wing misinformation, and there is no known letter sent by Dr. Blasey about Justice Gorsuch, or any other Supreme Court justice. There have, however, been additional accusations against Kavanaugh since Cornett’s tweets were posted. (en)