  • 2016-06-24 (xsd:date)
  • Nine-Year-Old Murders Parents After They Turn Off Wi-Fi for Punishment (en)
  • On 23 June 2016, the entertainment web site News 4 KTLA published a hoax news article reporting that a 9-year-old boy killed his parents after they punished him by shutting off the home's Internet access: News 4 KTLA has a track record of publishing fake news stories with salacious or outrageous details, such as an article about clear parasites in water bottles and a woman who cut off her rapist's genitals and then made him eat them. The stories guarantee shares and page views, but are never actually true. The photograph included with the article doesn't show a 9-year-old who killed his parents after they shut off the Wi-fi. This image actually shows a teenager who was arrested for breaking into cars in September 2015: Had the story about a juvenile murderer been true, it's unusual and disturbing enough that it would have been a major story carried by vetted national news organizations, not just on a new, virtually unknown site that traffics in hoaxes and satire. (en)