  • 2019-04-19 (xsd:date)
  • No, this is not an image of a top Indonesian politician acknowledging opposition victory in presidential elections (en)
  • An image that has been shared thousands of times on Facebook purports to show Indonesian politician Megawati Sukarnoputri -- an ally of incumbent President Joko Widodo -- acknowledging that opposition candidate Prabowo Subianto had won April 17, 2019, elections. The claim is false; the image is a doctored screenshot of a TV news program in which Sukarnoputri praises parts of a speech Prabowo gave after the vote. The misleading image and claim have been posted repeatedly on Facebook, for example here on April 17, 2019, where it has been shared 11,000 times. The post’s caption says: Mega wati acknowledges that Prabowo wins. Below is a screenshot of the post: Screenshot of misleading Facebook post Mega wati is a reference to former president of Indonesia Megawati Sukarnoputri, who is the chairwoman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the party to which Widodo belongs . The misleading image shows Sukarnoputri wearing white and speaking into a microphone. Here is a photo of Sukarnoputri on her party’s official website. The logo of local broadcaster CNN Indonesia can be seen in the bottom right hand corner of the misleading Facebook image. The banner running across the bottom of the image says: PDI-P COMMENTS ON QUICK COUNTS RESULT. PDI-P-backed candidate Widodo -- known popularly as Jokowi -- is projected to beat Subianto in Indonesia’s April 17 presidential election, according to pollsters’ quick counts results, AFP has reported here . Subianto has claimed victory in the poll, the same AFP story reported. A Google reverse image search found that the misleading image is actually a screenshot of this April 17 CNN Indonesia video, posted on the broadcaster’s official YouTube channel. Video of video_megawati The YouTube video’s headline in Indonesian reads: Megawati Praises Prabowo’s ‘Victory’ Speech About Quick Count. The first paragraph of the clip’s extended caption says: Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) chairwoman Megawati Sukarnoputri praises presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto’s speech in which he called his cadres to remain calm in responding to unofficial results of the 2019 general elections. The misleading Facebook photo is a screenshot of the clip at 1:09. The image below compares the misleading Facebook photo and a screenshot of the clip at minute 1:09: At 1:09, Sukarnoputri is saying: ... monitoring the process of vote counting which is still ongoing. The vote tally across the bottom shows Widodo with 43.01 percent of the vote and Subianto with 56.99 percent of the vote. In the original CNN video, it says SUMATERA across the top of the vote tallies -- a reference to a large island in the west of Indonesia. The word SUMATERA has been obscured in the doctored Facebook image. (en)