  • 2022-04-08 (xsd:date)
  • Disney CEO Bob Chapek was not arrested for human trafficking (en)
  • Disney CEO Bob Chapek is clashing with Gov. Ron DeSantis over a new law that restricts lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida schools. Chapek wants state leaders to repeal the law derided as don’t say gay, leading DeSantis and Republican leaders to criticize the company as woke and explore removing its special status that allows it to operate as its own government. Among all of the headlines about Chapek, there is at least one story out there that is wildly inaccurate. An Instagram post shared a screenshot of a news article with the headline, CEO of Disney arrested for human trafficking. Below the headline is a photo of Chapek, and the first paragraph of the story falsely claims he was arrested at his home in Southern California for charges of trafficking a child across state lines and being in possession of child pornography. The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) We searched for a link to the article and found it posted on the website of the Vancouver Times. But there’s just one problem: the Vancouver Times describes itself as a satirical website. That means the article is not, in fact, true. The article appears under the website’s Satire section. It’s easy to see how this type of article could trick people — in the Instagram post, there are no markings indicating that the article is fake. The name of the website — Vancouver Times — may also sound to some people like a legitimate publication. But satire is something we’ve seen before used as a tool to mislead people. Plenty of fact - checks have debunked the claim about Chapek. Chapek has apologized for not taking a more forceful stand against the Florida bill. The company has also paused all political donations in the state. I am committed to this work and to you all, and will continue to engage with the LGBTQ+ community so that I can become a better ally, Chapek said in a letter to employees . There’s no evidence whatsoever that Chapek was arrested for human trafficking. We rate that claim Pants On Fire! RELATED ARTICLE : ‘Don’t say gay’ vs. ‘parental rights': Fact-checking claims about Florida’s HB 1557 (en)