  • 2021-11-08 (xsd:date)
  • Did Biden Say You Won't Get COVID if You're Vaccinated? (en)
  • The first emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. were granted by the FDA in December 2020, during the final weeks of the Trump administration. A mass vaccination program followed, and continued under the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden, who announced a goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans within the first 100 days of his term in office (later upped to 200 million within the first 100 days, a goal the administration reached successfully). Throughout 2021, Biden acted as the vaccines' principle cheerleader, urging all eligible Americans to get vaccinated at their earliest opportunity. Although his numerous public statements about the vaccines tended to be, for the most part, reasonably accurate and cogent in terms of reflecting the guidance of the medical community, on at least one occasion Biden grossly overstated the vaccines' efficacy. During an unscripted CNN town hall on July 21, Biden falsely stated that those who had been vaccinated would not get COVID, be hospitalized, or end up in an ICU and die. Here are the relevant quotes from CNN's transcript of the event, which was anchored by Don Lemon (emphasis added): Biden's statements above clearly contradict the conclusions of medical authorities such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has stated that while vaccines greatly reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, and reduce the likelihood that those who do become ill will experience severe symptoms and be hospitalized, no vaccines are 100% effective (also see our previous fact check, Can You Die of COVID-19 if You Are Vaccinated?): Biden's impromptu claims about the efficacy of the vaccines were therefore inaccurate, nor did he acknowledge or correct his mistake. He did, however, more accurately state at another point in the same appearance that If you're vaccinated, even if you do 'catch the virus,' quote, unquote, like people talk about it in normal terms, you're -- not many people do. If you do, you're not likely to get sick. You're probably going to be symptomless. You're not going to be in a position where your life is in danger. Here is the full video of Biden's July 21, 2021, CNN town hall appearance: (en)