  • 2016-03-08 (xsd:date)
  • Donald Trump Nazi Salute Controversy (ro)
  • On 5 March 2016, the web site DailyNewsBin published an article reporting that Donald Trump had the crowd do the Hitler salute at a Florida rally: The appended tweet (shared by a reporter on the scene) made no comparisons to Nazis or Hitler, and the journalist wrote simply: The rally wasn't the first time folks compared Trump to Hitler, and circulating still images made the comparison easy to buy. However, footage of the event looked much more benign than the photo: Trump first asked the crowd whether they liked him, before appearing to spontaneously elicit a pledge. He asked attendees to raise their right hands, then rattled off a promise for them to recite to vote for him:Separate stills from the rally revealed a scene that looked more like a Pledge of Allegiance than a Third Reich gathering: Subsequent tweets by the same reporter (Jenna Johnson, who is on the Trump beat) indicated that the pledge was an element Trump incorporated into later campaign stops: On 8 March 2016, Johnson tweeted that Trump was unaware such claims were circulating until a Today Show interview: Johnson, who was present for the initial controversial pledge, wrote in the appended article: Johnson said that the image was widely taken out of context, and described a reaction from Trump that seemed genuinely unaware such comparisons were made. Trump sounded disheartened by the pushback and social media banter, and Johnson reported that he said he didn't want to offend anyone with the pledge: While still images of Trump's rally drew Nazi comparisons, the clip from which such allusions were drawn appeared to tell a different story. Trump maintained he was unaware of the claims until 8 March 2016, and the video footage depicted the candidate asking supporters to promise their primary vote to him. (en)