  • 2022-11-17 (xsd:date)
  • Claims about European royals hunting humans are unfounded (en)
  • European royals killing naked children for fun at hunting parties sounds like a gruesome horror movie plot, but a recent Instagram post alleges it’s fact. The text appears in a video included in the post as a computerized voice claims that judges in the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels are considering evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping committed by a group of satanic global elite. Regular child sacrifices are reportedly happening in church catacombs across the world, the narrator says, while teens are drugged, raped, stripped naked and hunted down in the woods by European royals. The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram. ) We found no evidence that royals are hunting humans, let alone children. A search for credible reports, sources, testimony and more turned up only social media posts, Reddit musings, and fact-checks . (Spoiler: The claim isn’t true.) Although there is an International Court of Justice , based in The Hague, the International Common Law Court of Justice isn’t a real court or part of a real legal system. Even though a blog describes it as a lawful citizens’ tribunal of conscience, legal experts have said it’s a nonentity with no judicial power or legal status. We rate this post Pants on Fire! (en)