A video shared on Facebook purportedly shows President-elect Joe Biden wearing an ankle monitor. Verdict: False The video shows Biden wearing a walking boot, not an ankle monitor, after suffering hairline fractures in his right foot. Fact Check: The caption of the video, which has been shared over 2,900 times , attempts to suggest that Biden is wearing an ankle monitor on his right leg, saying, There it is. #AnkleMonitor. The C-SPAN footage appears to come from Wilmington, Delaware, on Dec. 1 . (RELATED: No, Ellen DeGeneres Isn’t Under House Arrest For Child Sex Trafficking) C-SPAN tweeted the footage on Dec. 1 with the caption: President-elect @JoeBiden’s walking boot. Biden has to wear a walking boot because he recently suffered hairline fractures in his right foot while playing with his dog, according to The New York Times . In a statement, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s personal doctor, said that the president-elect will likely have to use a walking boot for several weeks. Initial x-rays did not show any obvious fracture, but his clinical exam warranted more detailed imaging, O’Connor said in the statement, according to CBS News . Follow-up CT scan confirmed hairline (small) fractures of President-elect Biden’s lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the mid-foot. It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks. Supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory spread the false claim that Biden is wearing an ankle monitor, Newsweek reported. Check Your Fact has previously debunked social media posts alleging that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was pictured wearing an ankle monitor and that Tom Hanks had to wear one after being arrested for pedophilia in Australia.