  • 2020-08-07 (xsd:date)
  • Was This Dog's Face Burned in a Fire? (en)
  • In 2015, a humorous photograph of a dog with a slice of ham on its face was circulated on social media, along with the false claim that the animal that had suffered burns while rescuing a family from a house fire. In 2020, we came across a similar photograph attached to a similar story. This time, however, the picture was real. The above-displayed photograph was taken circa the summer of 2019 and shows a dog named Taka, a Shiba Inu who survived a house fire in Georgia the previous fall. The American Kennel Club (AKC) reported that when the fire broke out, the family was able to get their children out of the house but not 9-year-old Taka. As the fire burned, Taka managed to escape on his own: The road to recovery was reportedly long and painful. Since the Care More Animal Hospital was not equipped to aid the dog, veterinarian Lesley took Taka to a specialist in South Carolina. Taka needed some serious medical attention — the burns the dog suffered prevented him from blinking and required skin grafts on his face — so the family decided to sign the dog over to the vet's care. Lesley, who saw the dog through months of treatment, would eventually give Taka a new, permanent home. Then, she started to train him as a therapy dog to help burn victims: AKC reported: While the picture at the top of this article says Taka is now training to become a therapy dog for burn victims, this statement is out of date. According to the AKC, Taka obtained his therapy dog certification in July 2019: Here's a report about Taka's journey from television station WJBF: (en)