  • 2021-02-07 (xsd:date)
  • Does Joe Biden Have a Speech Impediment? (en)
  • U.S President Joe Biden has struggled with stuttering, to various degrees, for his entire life. Stuttering is a speech impediment and neurological disorder that may involve repetitions (D-d-d-dog), prolongations (Mmmmmmilk), or blocks (an absence of sound), according to the non-profit National Stuttering Association. This impediment is a condition with a genetic component to it, and Biden's uncle stuttered his whole life, according to a January 2020 feature in The Atlantic. As a child, according to that article, Joe Biden largely taught himself how to deal with his stutter: In a February 2020 CNN town hall, Biden disclosed the impediment still affects him from time to time when I find myself really tired. He told the audience that the condition has nothing to do with your intelligence quotient [and] has nothing to do with your intellectual makeup. At a New Hampshire campaign stop a few days earlier, Biden showed Brayden Harrington, a 12-year-old boy with a stutter, a printout of a speech he had just given which marked places where Biden could take breaks between words. The gesture helped to normalize the condition, the boy's father told CNN. Harrington later delivered a speech to the Democratic National Convention. Because Biden has openly discussed his stutter several times, the claim that Biden has a speech impediment is True. (en)