  • 2019-04-17 (xsd:date)
  • No, Kamala Harris did not push for police officers to ask permission to use their guns (en)
  • Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., is the latest politician to be accused by social media users of doing something ridiculous that never happened. A photo shared on Facebook repeats claims from March 2019 that Harris introduced a bill to forbid a police officer from drawing his/her gun without permission from their supervisor. The post further says that a police officer could not return fire without first notifying his/her supervisor and getting permission. The post has garnered dozens of shares and angry comments about Harris being a moron for introducing such a proposal. A user called this bill bull---- — and we must agree. No such bill exists. This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook . A Second Chance bill is satire The original source of this information has been traced by several fact-checkers to a satire site called Blue News Network. The article was written by MiketheCop. His bio states that the pieces he writes for Blue News Networkare satire and it’s hilarious when people don't know that. Another giveaway is the website’s About Us page, which assures readers that its content is most decidedly bull----. Just to be sure that Harris really didn’t introduce A Second Chance legislation (as the website said), we checked the official website of Congress. Among all 184 bills introduced by Harris in 2019, there is no bill introduced in 2019 by that name. The story keeps resurfacing The story, originally published by the Blue News Network, has been circulating online without a proper disclaimer since March 12. According to our friends at , the story has been shared on several blogs and other media, including the The Ben Ferguson Show, a conservative U.S. radio talk show. Despite the fact the story was debunked by several fact-checking organizations, it keeps circulating on social media, as well as on a forum and other sites . Without a satire disclaimer, people believe it's real. Our ruling The claim that Harris tried to make officers ask permission to fire their weapons lost all of its satirical markings as it traveled across social media. The claim is ridiculous, so we rate it Pants on Fire! (en)