  • 2011-08-24 (xsd:date)
  • When Will Obama Crack in Public? (en)
  • Example: [Massie, April 2011] At a time when many Americans can barely afford Burger King and a movie, Obama boasts of spending a billion dollars on his re-election campaign. Questioned at a recent appearance about the spiraling fuel costs, Obama said, Get used to it — and with an insouciant grin and chortle, he told another person at the event, who complained about the effect high fuel prices were having on his family, to get a more fuel-efficient car.The Obamas behave as if they were sharecroppers living in a trailer and hit the Powerball, but instead of getting new tires for their trailer and a new pickup truck, they moved to Washington. And instead of making possum pie, with goats and chickens in the front yard, they’re spending and living large at taxpayer expense — opulent vacations, gala balls, resplendent dinners and exclusive command performances at the White House, grand date nights, golf, basketball, more golf, exclusive resorts and still more golf.[Rest of article here.] Origins: Mychal S. Massie is, according to the biography on his web site (The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics): Mychal S. Massie is the former National Chairman of the conservative black think tank, Project 21-The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives; and a member of its’ [sic] parent think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research. In his official capacity with this free market public policy think tank he has spoken at the U.S. Capitol, CPAC, participated in numerous press conferences on Capitol Hill, the National Press Club and has testified concerning property rights pursuant to the Endangered Species Act before the Chairman of the House Committee on Resources. He has been a keynote speaker at colleges and universities nationwide, at Tea Party Rallies, at rallies supporting our troops and conservative presidents; and rally’s [sic] supporting conservative causes across the country. He is an unapologetic supporter of our right to own and carry firearms.The opinion piece referenced above, When Will Obama Crack in Public? was his column of 19 April 2011. (en)