In June 2015, a controversial opinion piece entitled The Black Dilemma was circulated online along with an attribution to the Baltimore Sun. Although many online postings of the below-displayed piece in June 2015 claimed that it had been recently published in Baltimore Sun, the newspaper denied this. The missive has actually been circulating on the internet since at least September 2014, when it was published under the title Ten Percent Is Not Enough on the American Renaissance blog, which Southern Poverty Law Center has described as espousing white supremacist and racist ideologies. The American Renaissance posting was originally attributed to Anthony Bryan; but that name was stripped from versions shared via internet forums, Craigslist postings, and comments sections of several race-related articles. Several different authorial names have been attached to the piece, including John S. Mosby (a Confederate cavalry officer), Edmund Hughes, and Ian Duncan, but the article didn't truly go viral until after the Baltimore Sun attribution was tacked on. Below is the piece that has been circulating for years: