  • 2016-05-13 (xsd:date)
  • Do Red Lights Outside Homes Indicate Anti-Gun Solidarity? (en)
  • In May 2016, a story appeared on a little-known web site called, reporting that anti-gun activists (led by Jane Seymore of the Department of Protecting Everyone) were installing red porch lights to show that they live in gun-free homes: In case the racially tinged reporting wasn't a dead giveaway, consider the name of the group that allegedly spearheaded the campaign: Department of Protecting Everyone (D.O.P.E.) and the name of the author of the article, Dr. I.M. Swindler, whose bio reads: While there is no overt acknowledgement that the site is intended as satire, the titles of other stories it has published make it clear, such as: Donald Trump Actually the Outer God Nyarlathotep, Sewer Rats in Los Angeles Becoming Sentient, and Surviving Alien Abduction: A Users Guide for 2016. (en)