  • 2020-11-04 (xsd:date)
  • No, Trump hasn’t won the election (and neither has Biden) (en)
  • Millions of votes are still uncounted in the presidential election but some of President Donald Trump’s supporters have already claimed victory. Democrats saw that they had lost the election, and the calls went out to the corporate media to lock down their state calls, read one Facebook post . Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were all just about out of reach, and they needed to create the narrative that Trump hadn’t won them when he clearly had. In all those states but Georgia, the post said, Democratic governors and the media intervened to steal the election and deny Trump victory. Trump has won this election with 294 electoral votes, the post continued. They’re refusing to acknowledge it. This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) Trump hasn’t won the election — no one has yet — and he doesn't have 294 electoral votes. Either he or Biden need at least 270 electoral votes to win. According to the Associated Press , and Fox News , as of about 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 4, Biden had 238 electoral votes and Trump had 213. Different news organizations showed similar results at that time; they aren’t all identical because these are preliminary results as votes continue to be counted even in states where the Associated Press has declared a winner. While the Associated Press and Fox have called Arizona for Biden, for example, other organizations have not declared a winner in that race. According to the New York Times , which relies on a number of factors before declaring a winner, including race calls made by The Associated Press and Edison Research, Biden had 227 electoral votes and Trump had 213. ABC News also had Biden with 227 electoral votes and Trump with 213. And The Washington Post had 224 electoral votes for Biden and 213 for Trump. In all of these accountings, Trump had fewer than 270 electoral votes — and not 294. Trump could still win . And on Wednesday he sounded sure that he would win in Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — the states mentioned in the Facebook post. All of those states have a significant percentage of ballots left to count, the New York Times reported. And when we’ll know full results will likely vary from state to state . Trump has already falsely declared victory. Biden, meanwhile, said early Nov. 4 that his campaign believes we’re on track to win this election. We’ll see. But this Facebook post is False. This fact check is available at IFCN’s 2020 US Elections #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Click here , for more. (en)