  • 2014-10-03 (xsd:date)
  • Sarah Palin Wants to Invade Ebola? (id)
  • Example: [Collected via email, September 2014] Did Sarah Palin really call on Obama to invade Ebola on her cablestation? On Facebook, posted by nationalreport. Origins: In mid-September 2014, National Report published an article claiming that Sarah Palin had called upon President Obama to invade Ebola in an Open Verbal Letter On the Nation's Behalf. According to the site, the letter was shared on Facebook and recited by Palin when she appeared as a guest on The Sarah Palin Channel: A dangerous and immediate threat to our freedoms and security is directly aimed at us from Ebola. It has demonstrated this against America and her allies and is inappropriate for us as a country. Because of the democratically elected traditions that you so obviously do not respect, I must ask you this: Why not put your past examples of outrageous abuses of power to good use and invade the evil Ebola empire? Some social media users bought the article's claims as sincere, and the page has been shared nearly 27,000 times on Facebook. However, National Report is a satirical news site, known for publishing outlandish claims like IRS Plans to Target Leprechauns Next, Boy Scouts Announce Boobs Merit Badge, and New CDC Study Indicates Pets of Gay Couples Worse at Sports, Better at Fashion Than Pets of Straight Couples. (en)