  • 1997-04-20 (xsd:date)
  • The Roommate's Death (en)
  • Example: [Brunvand, 1965] These two girls in Corbin had stayed late over Christmas vacation. One of them had to wait for a later train, and the other wanted to go to a fraternity party given that night of vacation. The dorm assistant was in her room — sacked out. They waited and waited for the intercom, and then they heard this knocking and knocking outside in front of the dorm. So the girl thought it was her date and she went down. But she didn't come back and she didn't come back. So real late that night this other girl heard a scratching and gasping down the hall. She couldn't lock the door, so she locked herself in the closet. In the morning she let herself out and her roommate had had her throat cut, and if the other girl had opened to door earlier, she would have been saved. Variations:The reason why the girls stay alone in the dormitory varies (e.g., they live too far away to go home). The frightened roommate sometimes hides in the closet (and hears the scratching noises coming from outside the closet door). In some variations the dead girl's fingernails are described as having been ground down to bloody stumps. The frightened roommate's hair turns white overnight from shock in some versions. Origins: The Hook The Boyfriend's Death Campus Halloween Murders . . . (en)