  • 2021-12-10 (xsd:date)
  • Are These 'Human Sleeves' Real? (en)
  • In December 2021, a video was circulated on social media that supposedly showed a human sleeve, an artificial replacement body that would allow a person to live for eternity by using their stored consciousness. The conspiratorial website Before Its News, for example, shared this video claiming that it showed a whistleblowers video of clones in Hollywood: The video, which can be viewed below, does not show a human sleeve or a clone. This video features a marketing display for the show Altered Carbon. A posting of the human sleeve video went viral after it was posted to TikTok in October. This video shows a booth at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. While the presenters at this booth acted as if they were showcasing new cloning technology, this was really just a marketing ploy by Netflix for their new show Altered Carbon. The Wrap reported at the time: Here's another video of this Altered Carbon advertisement that features the same two human sleeves. In Engadget's write-up of the event, they also noted that Netflix's Psychasec booth may have been a little too convincing: The video of human sleeves does not show any real cloning technology. This video actually features a marketing stunt by Netflix for the series Altered Carbon that was put on display at CES in 2018. (en)