  • 2018-05-30 (xsd:date)
  • Is the Trump Administration Set to Legalize Medical Marijuana 'in All 50 States'? (en)
  • On 27 May 2018, the web site Your News Wire published an item appearing to report that President Trump planned to sign a law legalizing medical marijuana in all 50 states: The claim had a single source: the cannabis industry site However, that site's 24 May 2018 article was markedly more reserved in its speculative premise: While Your News Wire claimed that President Trump was to sign legislation which will make medical marijuana federally legal for terminally ill patients, originally reported that the Right to Try act could have that effect. The actual bill, of course, made no mention of marijuana specifically. Introduced in February 2017, it read: As noted by, broad language was used in the law's text regarding conditions qualifying as a terminal illness, substances or devices in its purview, and even the relationship between state and federal law. Critics of the law maintained that it allowed drug companies too wide a berth to market experimental treatments while weakening the Food and Drug Administration's regulatory ability. Proponents argued that legislation of its type enabled terminally ill patients with little left to lose a chance to outlive drug trial phases. We contacted NORML — the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws — for further clarification and interpretation on what effect, if any, the Right to Try Act of 2017 would have on the use of medical marijuana in all 50 states, but have not yet received a response. However, the claim as presented is false; the act itself was unrelated to medical marijuana, and solely pertained to those diagnosed with terminal illnesses. Even under the most flexible interpretations, there was no truth to the statement that President Donald Trump was signing a law legalizing medical marijuana at a federal level. (en)