  • 2020-01-10 (xsd:date)
  • like many other studies (en)
  • Dutch broadcaster BNNVARA published an Instagram story stating that, in the Netherlands, every year 119.000 children are maltreated. The story was part of a special broadcast on child maltreatment in The Netherlands. Is the number correct and in the right context? The Instagram story and broadcast do not mention the source of the number of maltreated children in The Netherlands. The context of child maltreatment The Dutch police writes that child maltreatment eg. abuse is every form of threatening or violent interactions of a physical, psychological or sexual nature that causes or threatens to cause serious harm to a minor, like a physical or psychological injury. According to the European Status Report on Preventing Child Maltreament (2018, World Health Organisation – WHO) child maltreatment affects over 55 million children in the WHO European region and is a social problem that exists in all countries. Furthermore, child abuse is a leading cause of health inequality and social injustice. To counter the inequality a 2014 action plan has been set up by the WHO’s regional office for Europe in which the goal is to …reduce the prevalence of child maltreatment by implementing preventive programmes that address risk and protective factors (en)