In April 2017, several web sites posted articles reporting that former Alaska governor was critically injured in an automobile accident (along with the suggestion that the incident was no accident): None of this was true. The identical article was posted on several different web sites, including bluevision.news, americainformer.com, thepremiumnews.com washingtonfeed.com, whitespeach.com, proudleader.com, dailyusaupdate.com, freedomcrossroads.us, all of which run the same collection of fake and sensationalized news amidst a collection of low-quality advertising. Meanwhile, not a single reputable news outlet published any mention of Sarah Palin's having been seriously injured in any type of accident. These fake news sites doubled down shortly afterwards with a followup fake news story about Palin's having come out of her coma and provided information about her assailants: