An image shared on Facebook claims to show a secret space program meant to be Earth’s first defense against a fake alien invasion. Verdict: False The image comes from a Star Wars book and does not show a secret space program. Fact Check: The Facebook post includes a picture that shows what looks like spaceships docked in a circle in the sky. It has been shared over 100 times. This is the ‘Secret Space Program’ that is being revealed to EARTH! text accompanying the image reads in part. They are not making a new space force, they are unveiling an existing branch of government/military! Some believers in extraterrestrials and UFOs believe Solar Warden , the alleged space program mentioned in the Facebook post, is the name of a secret fleet of spaceships that protect Earth from aliens. Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact found the picture actually comes from The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story , a Star Wars book that was published in 2016. It was also featured on the gaming website Polygon with the description: Imperial Base Planet-Star Destroyer Docking Base. The description on Polygon credits the image to Ryan Church of Lucasfilm and Abrams Books. In addition, Church shared the illustration on Twitter in March 2021. The image shows Church’s name signed in the bottom-right corner. (RELATED: Do 89% Of Americans Under 45 Believe The 1969 Moon Landing Never Happened?) #RogueOne early concept art for the end battle shield barrier- #StarWars #conceptart pic.twitter.com/hEWIF8q3ps — Ryan Church (@rchurchdesign) March 21, 2021 #RogueOne early concept art for the end battle shield barrier, Church’s tweet reads.