Beginning in August 2020, social media users in multiple countries began sharing a video that purported to show a drone delivering a carton of Indomie brand instant noodles to a directed spot in a household, then collecting a debit card payment via a point-of-sale device before flying off: https://youtu.be/qbnTwk2HUFEThis video appeared to have originated with a tweet posted by Uche Anisiuba, accompanied by the explanation that I ran out of Indomie yesterday, needed to make a quick restock, never knew we had a drone delivery service in Lagos: However, Anisiuba's Twitter account identified him as the co-founder of Quadron Studios, Nigeria's leading digital content company, something that suggested a digital creation rather than a real-life video. Indeed, Anisiuba later tweeted that the clip employed 3d visual effects, and he followed that up with a before and after video showing how the 3D effects were added: In a video interview with Artfrocentric, Anisiuba discussed and demonstrated the creation of the video: https://youtu.be/FSlAPEjyBwIAnd in a print interview with Techpoint Africa, Anisiuba answered some questions about the origins and spread of his video: